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What is Interoception?

emotions on post-it notes

So how exactly does interoception do its important job? This sense is hard at work all of the time, monitoring your entire body—body parts like your heart, lungs, stomach, bladder, muscles, skin, and even your eyeballs—and collecting information about how these body parts feel. For example, interoception collects information which helps your brain identify how your stomach feels: does it feel empty, full, gassy, nauseous, tingly or something else?

Your brain uses the information about the way your body feels as clues to your current emotion(s): are you hungry, nervous, tired, sick, excited and so forth?

Thus, at the most basic level, interoception can be defined as the sense that allows us to answer the question, “How do I Feel?” in any given moment.

An Unreliable Interoception Experience

Now, think about what would happen if your inner interoception experience was unclear or confusing. What if you were unable to feel what was happening in your body? What if you noticed feelings on the inside of your body but had no idea what the feelings meant? Or what if your internal sensations were so overwhelming that your body feels unsafe on a daily basis?

Unfortunately, this is a reality for many people. Many people with conditions or diagnoses such as autism, ADHD, trauma disorders, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, toilet training difficulties, sensory processing disorder and behavioral challenges have been found to have interoception difficulties.

For example, Chloe, an autistic young adult reports, “I was an encyclopedia of coping strategies. I could tell you over 50 strategies that people taught me to use to ‘calm down.’ The amount I could use in the moment? Zero. I did not feel the signs in my body cueing me to use the strategies.”

Jasim, a teenager with an anxiety disorder shares, “Anxiety would slam into me with little warning. I never felt the building signals of overwhelm. Then all of a sudden, I’m in a full panic mode. Screaming, crying, doing what anyone would do when they feel that way. It was incredibly embarrassing”

However, given the fact that many of us live in a society that does not put a lot of emphasis on the importance of the body and listening to the messages it sends, many people without a specific condition or diagnoses can have interoception difficulties as well.

For example, Sanza, an adult, “I would eat all of the time. When I watched TV, when I was sitting at my desk doing work, when I was driving my kids to all of their activities. I wasn’t eating when my body felt hungry. My body was numbed out and I was just going through the motions

Ricardo, a special education teacher stated, “Previously, when my students were having a hard time—yelling, throwing, kicking—I didn’t recognize the reactions occurring in my own body. I was completely unaware of how my own inner experience was contributing to the situation. Gaining more awareness of my own interoceptive signals has allowed me to be a calming force when my students are dysregulated—a win for all of us.”

Research has found that improving the awareness and understanding of our interoceptive signals is good for all people and has many benefits.

The Human Body

These IA Builders are now available for many people to use.  Whether you are a professional looking for strategies to enhance the interoceptive awareness in the clients you serve, a caregiver wishing to nurture your child’s interoceptive understanding or a self-helper on a quest to gain more clarity over your inner body signals and emotions I’ve got you covered.